Monday, March 16, 2015

Opening Yourself Up to Feedback (SoLSC 16/31) #sol15

I've been reading lots of thoughts from people going on with various situations, and I had a wonderful coaching observation session today in my first language arts class, and since I asked my students to try out a poem for today's Slice, I did also, with the thoughts swirling through my mind about accepting feedback.

Opening Yourself Up to Feedback

Sometimes it’s scary
opening yourself up
to feedback
others’ opinions
others’ perceptions
others’ views

Sometimes it’s necessary
opening yourself up
to feedback
how to improve
how to see it differently
how to put it in perspective

Sometimes it’s humbling
opening yourself up
to feedback
seeing yourself from the outside
seeing yourself for what’s there
seeing yourself as others do

Sometimes it’s validating
opening yourself up
to feedback
reminding you that you know what you’re doing
reminding you that you have room to grow
reminding you that there are others who see you

Sometimes it’s scary
opening yourself up
to feedback
but it can be one of the best ways
to see yourself
and the reality
of your situation
it can remind you
that there are various perspectives
and they are all valid
pushing yourself to do better
and be your best
can be improved
when you let in
what others see in you


  1. Yes opening yourself up to feedback can be scary at first, but in the end, it helps you improve and you learn so much about yourself as a teacher.

  2. This is such an important topic, and I love the way you unpacked it. It's one we're exploring at the PA Writing and Literature Project. I would love to share your poem at one of our sessions.

  3. I would love to share your poem with my kiddos, too - so much about what we talk about in writing workshop centers on feedback - and our fears about it.

  4. I would love to share your poem with my kiddos, too - so much about what we talk about in writing workshop centers on feedback - and our fears about it.

  5. I sometimes think that, as teachers, we forget what it feels like to have feedback given (unsolicited) by a letter grade on all our "work". Now that I'm old, I crave someone I trust to collaborate with and give me feedback. This is really a thought-provoking poem. Thanks.

  6. "What others can see in you." I love this. Sometimes feedback has such a negative connotation, but what if the feedback we gave helped others to see all the possibility? What if feedback was able to open the view on the path ahead? Sometimes people don't see the many gifts they possess, and strong feedback can make a difference. There's much to think about in your poem, and its reminder of the risks we take when we open ourselves up to the feedback of others.


  7. I love this part: it can remind you that there are various perspectives and they are all valid. I want people to be respectful of me, so I need to be open to other ideas about what I do.
