Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Writing Poems Today (SoLSC 17/31) #sol15

Scene From a Classroom

We’re going to write poems today
I said to my 7th graders
Almost all of them groaned
And didn’t believe me
When I said it might be easier

Let me show you my poem from yesterday
I said to my 7th graders
They all listened attentively
But thought a poem should rhyme
Even though mine never do

Go start slicing your poem today
I said to my 7th graders
Use the same topic, but phrases and thoughts instead
Some didn’t know what their topic would be
So I told them they just figured it out

I think I should write another poem today
I said to my 7th graders as I sat down to write also
Not one of them responded
Because they were so engaged and typing away
Writing their own
Poems for today’s slices


  1. Poems are difficult to tackle, but you do it so well. I'm sure your students are hooked now!

  2. This reminds me of Love That Dog!

  3. Such a simple phrase creates a fun poem. Love the contrast between the first and last stanza.

  4. Poems are hard
    for teachers too
    Even though
    They Act
    Like they have all the answers.

    High School Seniors

  5. Poems ARE hard - but good for all of you for giving it a go.

  6. Poems ARE hard - but good for all of you for giving it a go.
