Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Best Part of My Day: I Have Readers

The best part of my day today? 
It involves one of my book obsessions.
When walking back in from taking my homeroom to their buses, I heard my name called from a window. I stepped onto the bus questioningly. One of my 8th grade girls, to whom I had recommended one of my all-time favorite books (The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer by Michelle Hodkin),which I knew she was loving because we had discussed what she thought earlier in the day, was just checking to make sure that I would have the sequel (The Evolution of Mara Dyer) ready to give her tomorrow. I had to laugh because she was so eager because she knew she would finish the first book tonight and that my classroom copy was currently in another student's hands. I told her I would check for the library copy, but if it was out, I would bring my personal signed copy from home.

Why was this the best part of my day? It reaffirmed for me yet again in a small way that choice works.
I have readers. I have readers who are excited about books. I have readers who want to make sure the next book will be waiting for them when they get to class. I have readers who maybe weren't readers at this time last year. I have readers who advocate for themselves to get the books they want. I have readers fighting over books and racing to be first to the bin to get the sequel. I have readers sharing their favorite books. I have readers who are recommending books to each other. I have readers talking to me about the book they like. I have readers I can connect with because I've read the books they're reading. I have readers who take my recommendations and read. I have readers. Because I let them choose the books that they want to read that are interesting to them, because I don't force a specific book on them, because I allow them to try books and not read them if they don't work for them...I have readers.

1 comment:

  1. This is absolutely fantastic, and I totally get why you would be flying high. It's a testament to your teaching. Congrats!
